
Overbite: What Is It? Prevention, Treatment, Symptoms and Causes

Are you suffering from an overbite?It is characterized as an oral problem that occurs when teeth get misaligned and is also referred to as malocclusion or deep bite. In this, the upper teeth significantly overlap the lower teeth. If this issue is left unaddressed for more extended periods, it can result in oral concerns like… Continue reading Overbite: What Is It? Prevention, Treatment, Symptoms and Causes

4 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry and Its Cost

Every one of us wants to have a stunning smile that uplifts our personality, allowing us to laugh our hearts out. But unfortunately, that’s not always the case. There are so many people who are struggling with issues like worn, chipped, discoloured, stained, or misaligned teeth. Such oral imperfections severely affect our confidence and make… Continue reading 4 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry and Its Cost

What Is A Frenectomy? Its Procedure And Why Is It Important?

Are you experiencing dental concerns like lip-tie, tongue-tie, or gaps in your front teeth? If so, you might need a frenectomy. It might sound like a scary procedure. But, in reality,  it’s a transformative solution that can enhance your oral health and give you a beautiful smile. Frenectomies involve modifying or cutting the connecting tissue… Continue reading What Is A Frenectomy? Its Procedure And Why Is It Important?

Teeth vs. Bones: Are They the Same Thing?

Our teeth and bones may look similar with their hard, durable nature and shared color, but they are quite distinct. Our bones have the incredible ability to constantly rebuild themselves. This means they stay strong and adaptable, ready to face any demands our bodies may have. On the other hand, our teeth are like precious… Continue reading Teeth vs. Bones: Are They the Same Thing?

Wisdom Tooth Infection: What Is It? Treatments & Home Remedies

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the large teeth at the back of your mouth that typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. The process of their eruption can be quite painful, and if you or someone you know has gone through it, you’ve likely heard stories of the discomfort. While… Continue reading Wisdom Tooth Infection: What Is It? Treatments & Home Remedies

Hypodontia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Risk Factors

Were you aware that some individuals are born with congenitally missing teeth? This condition, known as hypodontia, impacts as many as 6.9% of people! In some cases, it’s inherited, passing from one generation to the next. But here’s the good news: there are various treatments accessible, including bridges, dentures, dental implants, and orthodontics. Intriguingly, the… Continue reading Hypodontia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Risk Factors

Tooth Decay: Causes, Prevention, And Symptoms

Are you familiar with the term tooth decay? It’s a condition that starts with the erosion of the outer layer of your tooth, called enamel, and can lead to the formation of cavities. Tooth decay and cavities are some of the most common dental issues worldwide, affecting both young and old. However, there are many… Continue reading Tooth Decay: Causes, Prevention, And Symptoms

How to Get Permanent Dentures That Look Natural?

If you’re looking for a way to restore your smile, permanent dentures might be just what you need. Though some people may consider them an inferior option, they actually offer a great level of comfort and restore one’s ability to eat and speak properly. Plus, they look so realistic that no one will know you’re… Continue reading How to Get Permanent Dentures That Look Natural?

How a Lip and Tongue Tie Can Affect Your Baby’s Health?

How a Lip and Tongue Tie Can Affect Your Baby’s Health? Are you experiencing discomfort while breastfeeding your baby? There are chances that your baby might have a lip or tongue tie. Tongue and lip ties are conditions caused by malformed oral tissues. Tongue ties occur when the membrane that connects the tongue to the… Continue reading How a Lip and Tongue Tie Can Affect Your Baby’s Health?

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